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Deep Sea Loot (Shipwrecks)
Deinonychus Eggs
all Creatures spawn in their respective Biome's except for:
Creature: Location:
Noglin: Lunar Cave
tropeognathus: 80/80
Blood Crystal Wyvern Vulcano
Additional Giga 40/50
Astrodelphis Lunar Biome
TekWyvern Lunar Biome
Magmasaurs / eggs Wyvern Trench
Amagasaur New Snow Biome
Managamr New Snow Biome
Fjordhawk BlackSand 50/50
Alpha Reaper (nocturnal) North 17/41
Alpha Basilisk Desert Biome
Megachelon Gen1 Ocean Cave
Desmodus Gen2 Waterfall Cave
Andrewsarchus Blue Floating Island 76/88
Ice Wyvern / Eggs 11.5/28.2 & 7.6/25.5
Griffin Desert Biome 89/32
*Note: All Creatures that i added have the same level system as Ragnarok
(50/50 chance for high level)
All Resources can be found in their respective Biome's except for:
Resource: Location:
Gen1 element Shard Crystals Wyvern Trench
Crystal Isle Element Crystals Added Snow Biome
Black Pearls Desert Pond / Floating Island Pond / New Snow Bubble
Charcoal Tree's Vulcano
Big Beaver Dam's 36.5/71.4 & 39.3/69.4
Ambergris Gen1 Lunar Biome
Natural Crop's Lost Island Biome 89.6/92.2
Harvestable Achatina Paste Lost Island Snail Cave
Mutagel Overseer Arena / Fenrir Arena
Special Explorer Notes / Runes
All Explorer Notes/Runes are available on the Map, i added explorer notes that unlock 100 notes each.
Type: Location:
Note Every Boss Arena Has 1 except for Fenrir
Note Hard underwater Cave Back Room
Rune Hard Ice Cave Artifact Room
Rune Ice Queen Cave Artifact Room
Rune Lava Golem Cave
Rune Aberration Red Cave
Note* : Unlocking all exp notes like this can glitch out sometimes and not give the achievement, you can find a Terminal on the Floating Portal Island that force Unlocks all Exp Notes.
Artifact : Location:
Destroyer Skull Island 10.9/63.5
GateKeeper Extinction Wasteland 10.6/90.6
Crag Lava Golem 88.5/42.8
Devious Wyvern Trench 18.3/54.3
Lost Lunar Cave 72/30.3
Stalker Aberration Red Cave 66/8.7
Depths Aberration Tree Trunk 43.4/10.9
Shadows Aberration Blue Cave 47.1/11.3
Void Mini Boss Cave 24.2/57.3
Chaos Desert Biome 89.3/32.3
Growth Bog Biome Cannibal Camp 70.3/37.5
Loot :
All Biome's Spawn Their Respective Loot Crates Except for:
Loctaion : Type:
Floating Island's Fjordur Supply Crates
Ice Queen on Death Fjordur Red Cave Crates
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